"Cogito Ergo Sumerian Sum"

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kuvaszz csalad (2021_01_01 07_06_12 UTC)


Ferenc is the Owner-Editor of this website.

 From a very early age the mysteries of languages overboiled in my sole and intrigued my curiosity.

Starting with Russian, which used to be a compulsory language at schools then, mostly unwillingly but by virtue of my musical spirit, somehow I produced excellent oral-aural Russian  for the exams.

I followed with the most exotic Japanese language and culture.

In the end, after my turbulent years at the Kossuth L. University in Debrecen Hungary, where actually I took off on my French orbit, I landed in France whose Universities; Dijon  University, Oriental Languages School Paris, then Sorbonne Paris, I could still feel that I was missing out on something more elaborate and more accepted universally, so  I drifted towards English and settled finally in Australia.

 Curiously enough German as a language or culture, perhaps for some subconscious reasons never appealed to me.

FINALLY, Find the HOLY GRAIL in my Hungarian LANGUAGE

Thanks to my drifting across the Globe, I realized that French, English and Russian remained distant in spirit and their semantic construction paradigms and constantly my Hungarian kept galloping back in my comprehension attempts of these other languages, sort of nagging me in my new language discoveries, that I needed to find solice in my maternal Hungarian.

Ever since that decision, my Hungarian constantly kept lennding me solid support in better understanding/penetrating French and English. Not only that but in the process I rediscovered and further deepend my comprehension of the Hungarian language. So I keep saying that  LANGUAGE IS THE MOTHER OF CULTURE, especially if you have an inquisitive mind to dwell on the spirit (semantics) of it, and yes, that I certainly have, as you will find it out for yourself, if you have the courage and determination to unearth the holy grail of this mystery-charged, encoded language of mine, called MAGYAR.

By the way only foreigners call us HUNGARIAN. We call ourselves MAGYAR. This word is made up of two stemwords (gyökérszó) MAG_YAR. Its  E vowel based version is MEG-YER.  

Please learn it now that in Hungarian and related languages, it is the CONSONANT which appears to carry mostly the core meaning of the words, though VOWEL swatch or length variation will also produce drastically different meanings:

SWATCH: kar/kár/kér/kor/kór/kör/kur

LENGTH: a/á, e/é, o/ó, i/i, ö/ő, ü/ű


MAG meaning the SEED, the CORE, the KERNEL, the ALPHA, the ORIGINAL, whilst YAR in the Turkic languages means HUMAN BEING (by contrast to MAN and WOMAN), a genderless concept just like PERSON in English, just like in another GENDERneutral Hungarian word EM-BER. EM meaning FEMALE, BER(YER) meaning MALE/PERSON. So put together EMBER simply means a PERSON.

MAG-YAR means something like the FIRST HUMAN or ALPHA-MAN  or  SEED-MAN. This may sound horribly chauvinistic or even racist by current trends, however the WORD purely linguistically can only be translated as such. So let's just stay in the domain of linguistics for the time being and discard for the moment your politicking urges.Yes, in spite of any negative labels, connotations and conspiracy theories I will often use MAGYAR instead of Hungarian because I and my ancestors/ascendants called themselves either Sumerian, Etruscan, Hun, Avar, Magyar etc. throughout the endless times. 


If you are a free-will person, the decision to respect the MAGYAR is entirely in your realm.

"Language is the Birthing Mother of Culture"

pasztor kuvasz

So Magyar is the living archive of a continium of cultures, past and present.